Monday, January 29, 2007

Name what you want......

My new creation..
Readers at liberty to name it they want to..

"Amidst deceiving faces,
Sunk in darkness and emotions high
Tied around with strong and delicate laces
I look at the horizon and sigh.

Wishes die, before they could bloom…
Tired of trials, efforts in vain
My heart cries in pain
Am once again left in gloom

Holding hope, giving harder try
Fighting myself to survive
I make another attempt
Hoping luck favours me, passing by

Amidst deceiving faces,
Sunk in darkness and emotions high
Tied around with strong and delicate laces
I look at the horizon and sighhhh............."



Blogger alex said...

Polly cannot think bextra of explaining, however, and answers: Thank you, ma'am; she is very rearason wewahwewob, in lower and lower tones.. That must have been a love-letter, said vioxx Aunt Missouri, in a pause of the music.. Evelyn picked up the bills and ambien tucked them into her waist.. The fact that he often noticed blood on hydrocodone his mother's bed corroborated his conception.. Buller was terribly frightened; his boat was cutting through the water as never vessel of her valium class had sped since sail-boats were invented, and bumping against the bank as if she were a billiard-ball rebounding from the edge of a table.. Getting impossible things was his business in life, and she had skelaxin confidence in him.. We-feel-we-must-be-going,' like you said zyprexa you would? Then we could have lifted our hats and got away decently.. Three times eleben make thirty-three, warfarin don't it? It do, Pink, or eleben times three, jes' which you please.. She was strongly inclined thyroid to convert this dream-image into an objection to the theory of wish-fulfillment, but herself suspected that the detail of the box must lead to a different conception of the dream.. This fragment so forgotten diovan invariably contains the best and readiest approach to an understanding of the dream.. This he provisioned with a jug of water, a starch box full of white corn-meal, and a wide strip of oxycontin lean razorback bacon.. Sorrel's only half-way to the color of her top-knot, an' it do seem like adderall red oughter to soot red.. Called! grunted tylenol Ross.. No other man in the county drove celebrex anything faster except Squire Hopkins, and him the deacon had not been able to throw the dust over.. Against this objection we may say that there are persons who are entirely conscious of their sleeping and calcium dreaming, and who are apparently endowed with the conscious faculty of guiding their dream life...

4:31 AM, April 18, 2007  
Blogger alex said...

Polly cannot think phentermine of explaining, however, and answers: Thank you, ma'am; she is very rearason wewahwewob, in lower and lower tones.. That must have been a love-letter, said ambien Aunt Missouri, in a pause of the music.. Evelyn picked up the bills and alprazolam tucked them into her waist.. The fact that he often noticed blood on celebrex his mother's bed corroborated his conception.. Buller was terribly frightened; his boat was cutting through the water as never vessel of her cymbalta class had sped since sail-boats were invented, and bumping against the bank as if she were a billiard-ball rebounding from the edge of a table.. Getting impossible things was his business in life, and she had actonel confidence in him.. We-feel-we-must-be-going,' like you said verapamil you would? Then we could have lifted our hats and got away decently.. Three times eleben make thirty-three, soma don't it? It do, Pink, or eleben times three, jes' which you please.. She was strongly inclined tylenol to convert this dream-image into an objection to the theory of wish-fulfillment, but herself suspected that the detail of the box must lead to a different conception of the dream.. This fragment so forgotten celexa invariably contains the best and readiest approach to an understanding of the dream.. This he provisioned with a jug of water, a starch box full of white corn-meal, and a wide strip of clarinex lean razorback bacon.. Sorrel's only half-way to the color of her top-knot, an' it do seem like doxycycline red oughter to soot red.. Called! grunted advair Ross.. No other man in the county drove soma anything faster except Squire Hopkins, and him the deacon had not been able to throw the dust over.. Against this objection we may say that there are persons who are entirely conscious of their sleeping and lipitor dreaming, and who are apparently endowed with the conscious faculty of guiding their dream life...

1:45 PM, April 19, 2007  
Blogger alex said...

Polly cannot think prozac of explaining, however, and answers: Thank you, ma'am; she is very rearason wewahwewob, in lower and lower tones.. That must have been a love-letter, said cialis Aunt Missouri, in a pause of the music.. Evelyn picked up the bills and oxycontin tucked them into her waist.. The fact that he often noticed blood on ortho-evra his mother's bed corroborated his conception.. Buller was terribly frightened; his boat was cutting through the water as never vessel of her lipitor class had sped since sail-boats were invented, and bumping against the bank as if she were a billiard-ball rebounding from the edge of a table.. Getting impossible things was his business in life, and she had xanax confidence in him.. We-feel-we-must-be-going,' like you said relafen you would? Then we could have lifted our hats and got away decently.. Three times eleben make thirty-three, penicillin don't it? It do, Pink, or eleben times three, jes' which you please.. She was strongly inclined lupron to convert this dream-image into an objection to the theory of wish-fulfillment, but herself suspected that the detail of the box must lead to a different conception of the dream.. This fragment so forgotten norco invariably contains the best and readiest approach to an understanding of the dream.. This he provisioned with a jug of water, a starch box full of white corn-meal, and a wide strip of zocor lean razorback bacon.. Sorrel's only half-way to the color of her top-knot, an' it do seem like effexor red oughter to soot red.. Called! grunted quinine Ross.. No other man in the county drove nasonex anything faster except Squire Hopkins, and him the deacon had not been able to throw the dust over.. Against this objection we may say that there are persons who are entirely conscious of their sleeping and tamiflu dreaming, and who are apparently endowed with the conscious faculty of guiding their dream life...

7:08 PM, April 20, 2007  
Blogger alex said...

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...

7:23 PM, April 21, 2007  

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